February 2022

These days, Amazon makes it very difficult for sellers to contact them. 

It used to be pretty easy to call Amazon. I’ve been noticing new sellers aren’t able to reach Amazon as easily as before.

So here is a step-by-step guide to help you get in touch with Amazon. I hope that you’ll find it helpful.

Step 1. Login to your seller central account. Then click on the upper right-hand side, the “question mark” help button. 

Step 2. Scroll down until you see the “Need more help?” option. Click on “Get Support”. 

Step 3. Click on “Selling on Amazon”

Step 4. Click on “Your Account”

Step 5. Click on “Other Account Issues”

Step 6.

Here, you can describe your issues. If it’s resolvable, they will provide you with a solution. If not, then you can go on to the next step. I just choose to put N/A because my issue was not an option. 

Step 7. Click on “My issue is not listed”

Step 8. Here, you can provide a phone number for Amazon to contact you. 

Keep in mind that you might need to have an active selling account, in order for Amazon seller support to contact you. 

If these steps doesn’t work, don’t give up! Be patient, and wait for Amazon to let you know what the next steps are. 

Good luck with your selling journey!